Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Cultural diversity in professional comm Essay

While America fought World War II in Europe, riots broke out in the streets of Los Angeles targeting young Latinos. They strived for the same freedom enjoyed by whites, but were treated as poorly as African Americans of the era. In effect, they tried to disassociate themselves from this faction. Young Latino men referred to themselves as pachucos and sported oversize suits known as zoot suits. In the film Zoot Suit Riots, Joseph Tovares remarkably portrayed the difficult lives of Mexican Americans in the 1940s. Zoot Suit Riots is a powerful film that explores the complicated racial tensions, as well as the changing social and political scene leading up to the riots in the streets of Los Angeles in the summer of 1943. White Americans, police and service men targeted Latinos with their racist attitudes. Tovares argues that these Mexican American adolescents were victims, but they also stood up for themselves and fought back to gain the respect they felt they deserved. This generation of Americanized Latino children wanted to be recognized as American on their own terms. To distinguish themselves from their parents’ generation, they became zoot suitors, but learned that was not enough as racism was a widespread phenomenon across America. Tovares accurately portrays the lives of Mexican Americans victimized by highlighting the Sleepy Lagoon Case. To white Americans in Los Angeles, the murder was proof that Mexican American crime was spiraling out of control. Tovares, however, uses this as evidence to support that they were mistreated because the Mexican American suspects taken into custody all wore zoot suits. This reinforced the opinion white Americans had of Mexican Americans and their apprehension of men in zoot suits. He also interviewed both Mexican Americans and White Americans who lived during this event, even some participants in the riots. His use of oral history throughout the film is captivating as you hear the voice and emotional reaction of a person who actually experienced these riots. Tovares interviews Hank Leyyas sister, an important defendant in the case, who lived through the crime, the trail, the city, everything. She remembers it all and how much it affected her brother’s life. Her emotions when describing the riots helps the viewer understand how people were affected. Sailors of the time admitted in their interviews to attacking Mexican Americans and Mexican Americans admitted to reciprocating the behavior. Tovares’ film reflects on the racist abuse Mexican Americans received not only from White American citizens, but also from authority figures. Edward Escobar’s historical article, Zoot-Suiters and Cops, supports Tovares’ argument that zoot suitors were seen as dangers to society and this brought upon the attacks on them, but Escobar focuses more on the police aspect of the riots. Escobar argues, â€Å"Police, along with local civic leaders, believed that Mexican American youth, especially young males, were inclined toward violent crime. This belief merged with police officers’ frustration over their inability to crack down on the alleged lawbreakers and led to their allowing servicemen to beat and humiliate the zoot-suiters† (Escobar, 1996). Tovares agrees that police were problematic, but focuses more on the Sleepy Lagoon Case involving Mexican and White Americans who participated or lived during the riots. Escobar states that the LAPD consistently arrested Mexican Americans at a higher rate than the general population. During the war these numbers increased, especially arresting young Mexican Americans. However, Escobar argues that police officials misinterpreted their own statistics. Reported crime actually fell during 1942 and 1943, the years of the alleged crime wave. These â€Å"increases in arrests resulted more from changes in the law and in police practices than from changes in Mexican American behavior. Specifically, new immigration and draft laws for adults and curfew ordinances for juveniles, created new classes of laws that Mexican Americans violated, increasing the arrest statistics† (Escobar, 1996). The LAPD also employed selective enforcement in barrios than in white sections like the curfew ordinance as an example. This evidence strongly supports Escobar’s argument that the LAPD was more inclined towards the harsh treatment of Mexican Americans. Escobar focuses more on this than Tovares did throughout the film. While Tovares and Escobar both focus on the discrimination zoot suiters felt, Thomas Guglielmo shifts his focus to Mexican American racism was not only in Los Angeles but also in Texas in his historical article, Fighting for Caucasian Rights. Guglielmo argues that Mexican Americans who were born in the United States showed that they only cared about the United States but needed to be looked at again. They seemed active, focusing on being American, distant from Mexico but really these Mexican American’s due to the Good Neighbor policy still identified themselves with Mexico. Compared to Tovares, Guglielmo looks at American battles in Texas and legislative matter compared to the Los Angeles zoot suit riots. Guglielmo goes against Tovares perspective and says that there is more to Mexican American racism outside of Los Angeles. During the war more people of Mexican descent lived in Texas than any other state. These Mexican Americans that lived here are fighting for equality through legislation unlike the Mexican American’s in Los Angeles who are fighting for the same but by rebelling out through wearing zoot suits and adapting to that way of life. Both Toraves and Escobar perspective is on zoot suiters and police interaction where as Guglielmo focuses more on just Mexican Americans in Texas. Guglielmo argument is not as convincing to me because he focuses too much on legislation and Mexico compared to Toraves and Escobar focus on the discrimination Mexican Americans faced during the war that resulted in the riots. Toraves, Escobar and Guglielmo all highlight the struggle Mexican American’s faced fighting for equality, just presented it in different ways. Tovares strongly emphasized why the Mexican Americans wanted to break free. They were tired of being told what to do, where to go, what to wear. They created an image for themselves that separated them from everyone else. Escobar stated that the zoot suit phenomenon resulted primarily from the racism, discrimination, and extreme poverty that people of Mexican descent faced in the United States (Escobar, 1996). It did not necessarily give Mexican American’s more rights and equality’s that they fought for indirectly but brought national attention to their race that they needed to bring attention to fight for themselves. CITATION: Esobar. Zoot-suiters and Cops: Chicano Youth and the Los Angeles Police Department during World War II. 284-303. 1996 Guglielmo. Fighting for Caucasian Rights: Mexicans, Mexican Americans and the transnational struggle for Civil Rights in World War II Texas. 1212-1237. 2006 Tovares, Joseph, dir. Zoot Suit Riots. 2002. PBS Home Video. DVD-ROM.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Benefits of High School and College Educational Attainment

â€Å"Life belongs to the living, and he who lives must be prepared for changes. † Johann Von Goethe wrote the previous quote. He was trying to emphasize that everything in life brings about change. Attending high school and college is a decision that brings about consistency as well as change. Even though they both serve the purpose of educating, there are great differences and similarities in the high school and college experience. Honors and advance placement classes in secondary school prepare one for the challenge of higher educational opportunities in college. On the other hand, the freshmen experience in college is much more challenging. One must dedicate much more time to his or her studies in order to succeed. Essentially, in order to move on to a higher educational level, one must enhance his or her character, mature, and accept and adapt to change. Both high school and college make a certain commitment to each student. They are committed to provide the students with remarkable opportunities to pursue and enhance their education. For example, scholarships, loans, and financial aid can provide the student with an opportunity to pursue his or her education, no matter what their financial status is. Aside from the students, high school and college would be meaningless without its faculty. Most teachers and professors in high school and college are well-educated individuals. They have spent some years studying to obtain a teaching degree. As teachers and professors, their main concern (or goal) is for the student to learn, understand, and master the course they teach. The teacher or professor may accomplish this goal by reviewing the material, emphasizing key points, or providing the students with examples that they could easily relate to. Most of them are willing to dedicate extra time to help the student meet his or her needs. Several high school teachers, as well as some college professors go beyond reading, writing, and arithmetic. They teach you about life in general, all its hardships and all its rewards. Receiving a good education is great, but enhancing your individuality and growing as a person is just as important. Some teachers and professors discuss their own personal experiences and lessons, which they have encountered throughout life. These lessons in life could impact the student and educate them as well. As high school or college level students, countless efforts are required to successfully achieve certain goals. One common goal shared by many high school and college students is the desire to get good grades. This goal is not always easy to attain; therefore it requires much effort. Determination, dedication, perseverance, and patience are all key factors for success in school. It is also necessary to pay attention in class, take down good notes, complete all the assignments instructed by the professor, and study (in advance) for exams. These key factors and study habits will help you attain a good grade. Remember, successfully achieving in school is hard, yet not impossible. Another similarity between high school and college is the multi-cultural and multi-racial school setting. It is quite interesting to observe many different and unique individuals coming together for one sole purpose: to receive an education. Similarly, both high school and college provide the opportunity to meet and associate with a variety of different people. Having group discussions in class, and doing assigned group projects may lead to meeting different students that you normally would not associate with. Meeting these different students could result in the beginning of flourishing friendships and wonderful relationships. There is a distinct variation between the teaching methods in high school and in college. In high school, most teachers lecture and dictate the exact notes necessary to pass the exam. Most classes function and interact on a more personal, one on one level. On the contrary, in college, the professor lectures while the student has to use his or her own judgement to gather important information for the notes. Some college classes consist of about two hundred students, making it difficult to carry on class discussions and to become familiar (or build a student-teacher relationship) with your professor. Another difference between high school and college is the change from being fairly dependent to becoming independent. In high school, you are constantly depending on your teachers. You expect the teachers to remind you when assignments are due, or about quiz and test dates. College, on the other hand, is different. All college professors provide their students with a syllabus. This syllabus explains all the requirements and objectives of the course. It is the student†s responsibility to refer back to the syllabus. You have little or no freedom in high school, whereas in college, you experience much more freedom. Along with this freedom comes great responsibility. College professors refer to the students as mature adults, and they have high expectations from each student. High school and college vary in other areas as well. There is a wider age range in college than in high school. A college class may consist of students that range from the ages of eighteen to forty, or perhaps even more. In college, you also receive the benefit of choosing classes that will accommodate your daily schedule. For example, if you have a part-time job in the mornings, you can choose classes in the afternoon. Unfortunately, you do not get this same opportunity in high school. Although getting good grades is a common goal shared by many high school and college students, they have different goals as well. The goals students set for themselves in high school tend to change when they get to college. For instance, when you are in high school, one of your main goals is usually to get accepted into the college of your choice. However, the college student sets different goals and priorities for himself or herself. Now that they already entered college, they are concerned about their major and starting a successful career. Attending high school and entering college is a path in life that many of us choose. This path in life, along with any other of life†s routes, brings about change. You may view change as being positive or negative. Whichever way you view it, change is a part of life. It can bring forth many challenges, as well as adventures and new experiences. When people are confronted with change, some feel awkward and insecure. Although several people attempt to avoid it, change is inevitable. Despite change, these remain: the importance of setting priorities and goals for yourself, having determination, and doing your outright best. (Faith, hope, and love will also remain constant, steadfast and true. ) Do not only grow intellectually (in book knowledge), but be wise and grow as an individual with morals and values as well. The following quote, written by John Dewey, summarizes the definition of education. â€Å"Education is a social process†¦ Education is growth†¦ Education is, not a preparation for life; education is life itself. â€Å"

Monday, July 29, 2019

Marketing Analysis Of Dairy Milk Oreo Chocolate In The United Kingdom Essay

Marketing Analysis Of Dairy Milk Oreo Chocolate In The United Kingdom Market - Essay Example Launching a new product in a new market is a challenging affair. Entrepreneurs and business organizations are in most cases concerned about the reception of the product in the market. Various worries that companies and individuals suffer while trying to launch products in the new market relates to the reception of the product by the customers, the ability of the product to satisfy the needs of the customers and the availability of substitute products in the market targeted. Subsequently, organizations have to develop marketing and promotional strategies that are likely to help them succeed in the new market. With the understanding that different factors act on customers whenever making their purchases, an organization should ensure that it not only meet the needs of the customers but also portray a good image to the people. Products in most cases fail, because of their inferior quality, but lack of innovation and creativity in the development, packaging and promotion stages. An entre preneur could have a great idea, but due to poor implementation, could fail in selling that idea to the people. Food is one of the most sensitive businesses that whenever entrepreneurs consider investing in should get right. Understanding the needs of the target population is the best way of winning a new market. Dairy milk oreo chocolate, a new product launched in the United Kingdom so far has been a success.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 7

Case Study Example The complains from the field consultants, immediately erupt as they complain of decision infringement on time spending and insensitivity to the relationship of business development. With little difference in the calling patterns after three months, Westerly defends her initiative and gives an amended proposal of the implementation plan of the product (Gabarro 57). Some critical problems emanating from this case are that Westerlys approach was not materializing as there were no remarkable changes in the pattern calls. This had serious implications that cost her so much in that her credibility with the organization was at stake and the RSDs as well as, the field consultants. Another problem was the risk of having poor relationship with the field consultants who did not take in her changes well. If the relationship failed that would mean serious risk for the organization. Some of the non critical problems would be slight losses during the transition period as well as small offenses that may take place due to change implementation as many people find it hard to accept change, but in time, this heals naturally and the accommodate the change if it works for the better (Gabarro 59). The proposed recommendations for this particular case would be to put up a strategy plan that focused on long term implications and at the same time, a plan that would have less negative implications on the organization as per the current time. This can be achieved by understanding the clientele, markets and priority to the development of

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Managing Group and Teams Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Managing Group and Teams - Essay Example Presently, organizations depend immensely on teamwork, hence the need for all employees to possess effective communication skills. Coevolutionary gaming is a scenario process developed by Jim Miskel and Jeff Cares in their article â€Å"Take Your Third Move First†. Coevolutionary gaming has revolutionized the way organizations consider aspects such as teamwork and decision making, both in issues that affect the organization internally and externally. This paper will examine coevolutionary gaming, discussing how the strategy enhances proper decision making, particularly within a group situation such as an organization or department in an organization. The paper will also describe the fundamental limitation of the coevolutionary gaming and the way through which this limitation can be resolved. Miskel and Cares’ article builds on the conception that planning, as well as resultant decision making should never be done within a vacuum. This means that it is not sufficient to just consider the present facts, as well as historical information and data in order to arrive at decisions or plans (Evans, 2012). The coevolutionary gaming also argues that it is unfeasible to presume that those who will be impacted by such planning or decision making, for instance, competitors will simply accept the decisions and not institute some form of counter action. Plans, as well as decisions, made within a vacuum process can be characterized as shortsighted at best. This is primarily because these decisions and plans typically do not take into consideration other factors such as the implications of counter plans and actions, which could be instituted by parties affected by the decision or plan. A decision made on the basis of existing data could turn out to be worse than simply sustaining the status quo, particularly if reactionary actions are taken into consideration (Branke & Rosenbusch, 2008). For instance, the decision of a newcomer to a market to implement robust price reductions so as to capture massive market share can be considered as detrimental in a coevolutional milieu (Axelrod & Hamilton, 1981). On the basis of existing data, this decision appears quite simplistic; however, the choice is erroneous since it wrongly presumes that the market leaders will do nothing in retaliation against the extremely low prices of the newcomer. What such existing data fails to show is that the market leaders are better equipped to retaliate in the event of a price war than the newcomer because of their robust, incumbent market volumes, which provide them the economies of scale needed to make long term decisions such as cutting prices (Ficici, 2004). Consequently, the market leaders can fight aggressively to the point where they bring their prices below the newcomer’ s point of breakeven, which is often higher, until the newcomer collapses since its sales will be incapable of supporting its overall operations (Thompson, 1994). Simply put, this means that if the decision made by the newcomer is not based on coevolutionary gaming, it could prove more fatal for the company than, for instance, identifying a geographic market niche where it can build its brand. Coevolutionary gaming is an essential tool in decision making, particularly within groups when the risk factors, as well as uncertainty levels are extremely high. This is the fundamental reason why Cares and Miskel poised that the process of coevolutionary gaming lends itself particularly well to all decision making endeavors, regardless of the business, from the Department of Defense to the

The Myth of Bermuda Triangle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Myth of Bermuda Triangle - Essay Example As the paper outlines, no US government file has identified the location of Bermuda Triangle or for that matter, the Board of Geographic Names; still the name is synonymous with the mystery as a number of ships have disappeared, as is acclaimed without providing any logic behind their disappearance. Let’s focus on the geographical positioning of the Bermuda Triangle, which is considered to be off the Southeastern coast of the United States in the Atlantic Ocean, with its vertices touching Bermuda, Miami, Florida, and San Juan, Puerto Rico, roughly grounded in 500,000 square miles (Obringer, 2012). The adjective ‘Devil’ was associated with Bermuda because once Bermuda was called, â€Å"the Isle of Devils.† It is because the reefs surrounding the area are quite tricky to the sailing ships, resulting in the wreckage of sailing ships. An object becomes a mystery when the logic behind extra-ordinary happening near that object is not cross-checked, and rumors tak e a full circle, thus, making people believe in the reality of such rumors. The same is the case with the Bermuda Triangle where, it is stated that not only ships but aircraft also disappear while hovering over the mysterious region, called Bermuda Triangle. Actually, reports of sinking ships have not been authenticated by some government body, such as the U.S. Coast Guard, which finds nothing particular in the number of ships meeting with accidents in the region. It seems that the media have used the incidents of missing ships as a ploy or cheap propaganda to boost their magazines’ sale. A deeper analysis of the past happenings leads to believe that imagination was allowed to flutter its wings in the air freely, as no serious attempt was made to halt the propaganda. Ship accidents surrounding the Bermuda region have been linked to alien abductions or giant octopus, but research on marine accidents by Norman Hooke for Lloyd’s Maritime Information Services rejects the e xistence of any such mystery over the Bermuda Triangle. Any accidents caused were related to bad weather conditions only. Further research has also proved that some major casualties had taken place, but these occurred far away from the stated Bermuda Triangle (Obringer, 2012). The scientific evidence based on computer-aided research of ocean floors revealing that huge methane gas explosions had been taking place under the sea-bed, specifically over the Bermuda Triangle region seem to be more convincing, but more evidence is required to believe in the scientific theory of the sudden eruption of methane gas in the form of a mega-bubble, not only swamping ships but projecting upward in the air, also engulfing airplanes (Cat, 2010). The scientific base of the methane gas bubble is that when a ship comes in the contact of the methane mega-bubble, the ship becomes devoid of all buoyancy and goes sinking to the bottom of the ocean. If the circumference of the bubbles is large enough and it is sufficient in density, the methane bubble can also force an aircraft to dive to the bottom of the sea without creating a system alert? The possible explanations that aircraft engulfed in the methane bubble stops the engine, and-perhaps inflames the methane around, causing instant loss of flight, as the airplane dives into the ocean. The scientific explanation of the mystery surrounding Bermuda Triangle seems to be doubtful in the absence of any reliable reports of ships and airplanes almost engulfed by such a bubble.  

Friday, July 26, 2019

Applying the Background and Methodology of the Research Process to Essay

Applying the Background and Methodology of the Research Process to Problems in Health Care - Essay Example To increase the provision and access to these primary needs, it is important for the federal government to deploy more health and clinical providers to such areas. One of the major concerns that have drawn controversy is the provision of reproductive health services particularly for the teens. The role of teenagers in the determination of their reproductive choices and the influence of the parents in such health choices has been the main source of controversy. This calls for provision of specialized medical services by physicians to ensure that the teens make right choices regarding their reproductive health. This study therefore focused on establishing the relationship between elective pregnancy termination among teens and the population density (Robert, 2004). This study is important to the healthcare sector given the risks that are associated with pregnancy termination. Hypothesis in research refers to tentative explanation about a given phenomenon that tries to establish the existence of a relationship between test variables. It is used in research to predict or test the expected outcome. The hypotheses for this study include; Dependent variables are those variables or values whose outcomes are measured by the independent variables. Independent variables on the other hand are those variables that are manipulated or varied by the researcher. In this study, the percentage of electively terminated pregnancy represents the dependent variable while population density represents the independent variable (Robert, 2004). This is the theoretical perspective of the study that simply defines the theories and the variables that will be investigated in the study. Theoretically, the study established that, access to reproductive health services was relatively low in low population density areas hence, few cases of electively terminated pregnancies in teens. Literature review plays an important role in research since they act as secondary source of the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Business Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3

Business Strategy - Essay Example gn competition, accelerating technology, automation, population decentralization, expansion, and innovation will spur the appearance of this new marketing form (NINTENDO Home Page 2009). The application of computer technology and the use of new analytical techniques have added greatly to the efficacy of planning activities suing such tools as critical paths, input-output analysis, payoff matrices, decision trees, linear programming, and simulations. In price category, Nintendo proposes low prices in contrast to competitors so the company attracts millions of users around the world (Bresnahan, 2001). For Nintendo, the decision as to whether or not to enter this stage and pursue rapid growth may be influenced by the business leader wanting to make more money, desiring to lead a large business or perhaps for the status. Alternatively it could be driven by the demands of the customers who may want to put more trade with the business and who might take their trade elsewhere if the business cannot respond (NINTENDO Home Page 2009). As such, the Internet and PCs industry enables Microsoft to pursue a low-price strategy while maintaining profitability. There are industries in which this is already proving possible: indeed, in some sectors we are starting to see wholesale migration from physically based methods of doing business to virtual methods. The reasons for such a rapid increase are obvious: the target market of the affluent young (often men) fits well with the demographics of the Internet; regular surfers on the Internet are highly likely also to hold stocks and shares. Finally, the speed with which the transaction can be completed is far quicker than that using the traditional methods. This creates new unlimited opportunities for Microsoft and its new products (Terdiman, 2009). In video game industry, barriers to entry are high because of nearly monopolistic position of such giants as Microsoft and Nintendo. There are some clear forces of change motivating the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Summary Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 21

Summary - Assignment Example An analysis of Utopia and Reality is analyzed through the implication of the differences between Utopia and reality. The difference is from another thesis like ‘Free will and determination’, ‘Theory and Practice’, ‘The intellectual and the Bureaucrat’, ‘Left and Right’, ‘Ethics and politics’. Andreas Osiander on his article â€Å"Twentieth Century International Relations Theory; Idealism revisited† presents a revision of idealist writers. The revised writers focus their understanding of international relations on a standard pattern. The pattern in this question is the ‘Realist’ theory. The most significant difference between Idealism and Realism is in their historical theories. The similarity is that both came about as a result of industrialization. The idealist thinking envisions two views; a newer democratic world that is better suited for functional reasons in the industrial generation than in the traditional generation. The other envisioned thinking by idealist is the particular view of power politics problems got from the fact that the traditional order cannot be instantly displaced but through a long transitional phase. With reference to the works of Hedley Bull, there exist two international relations theories. The first one is the classical approach while the second is the scientific approach, but we shall focus on the first one. The scientific approach to the theory of the scientific approach is also present in the theory of international systems as stated by Morton A. Kaplan alongside many more others. A Classical approach is based on the existing situation. It is thus desirable if we reject the scientific approach and formulate other objections. However, the scientific approach is most likely to provide very little substantial data towards international relations although it later displaces the classical approach. Bull has also used the work of Thomas Schelling,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

How convincing is Porter's model of national competitive advantage in Essay - 1

How convincing is Porter's model of national competitive advantage in explaining the workings and achievements of major nation - Essay Example The claims are based on the total percentage of the entire exports across the entire globe and their relation to the three nations (Hill, 2009). This is an evidence of how Porter created a convincing analysis on his view on national competitiveness. In explaining the national business systems, Porter analyses national business systems by reviewing their input in the global market. He argues that the more exports a nation make the more significance it has in the global market(Thompson, 2004).This way of reviewing national business systems is preferable when comparing the output of nations in the global market. According to Thompson (2004) this method may be however, biased since not all national business systems are based on exports. The author further argues that they are nations with greater G.D.Ps and have very stable economic systems and they have less input in the international market (Thompson, 2004). In using porter’s way of analysis such nations lacks the international standard of competitive advantage. This assumption has created a Porter system that only recognizes the financial stable nations on the global market (Uchida & Cook, 2005). Porter uses the national diamond to show the influence of nations to their local companies. The influence and pressure from a nation will be a great determinant on whether or not the organizations attain an international competitive advantage. Nations provide support and resources to specific countries which then generate outstanding products and income. However, analysts argue that this diamond structure is usually biased depending on mutual agreement by both parties. For instance, an organization may enter into a deal with a government to share a certain percentage of their profits in exchange for support and resources. In such a scenario the market becomes unbalanced (Smit, 2010). However, this strategy is used by states to strengthen their international market significance. In an argument by Smit (2010) the g reater the significance in the international market the greater income through partnerships and revenues. The author further argues that, state governments use the national diamond to help the nation gain greater competitive advantage in the international market. This automatically raises the economic status of an organization. In support of the national diamond strategy, Porter claims that it improves specialization and the quality of goods produced in a country (Schott, 2004). He gave an example with Denmark and its influence in the global market in terms of export of insulin. The Danish government has significantly alleviated the production of insulin and treatment of diabetes in the country. It has provided resources, diplomatic and economic support for this project (Peng, 2009). The impact of this move is significant to the whole industry. Denmark is the leading exporter of insulin in the globe. Minus the support from the government this achievement would not have been possible (Peng, 2009). In Holland there is a premier research institute which focuses on cultivation, shipping and packaging of flowers. This project is almost a sole project of the Holland government that is supplied with resources and labor from the body. After this intervention Holland has become the leading exporter of flowers in the globe (Salvatore, 2002). This shows how great significance government support is on an organization. However, Porter

Monday, July 22, 2019

Teaching Essay Example for Free

Teaching Essay 1.1 How teaching assistant can support the teacher in planning, teaching and evaluation of learning activities. Prior to the lesson I requested a copy of the teachers’ plans and after discussions we were able to agree using a variety of lesson plans, teaching methods, and implement targets to provide the most effective support to pupils and their needs, this gave me a clearer understanding of the learning that was going to take place and allow me time to familiarising myself with the subject matter, learning objectives and outcomes, this would also assist me to prepare any resources required for the planned lesson ahead. After agreeing the objectives of the lesson ‘Drip Drop’, were to explore some of the properties of water, to explore absorbent and non-absorbent materials and to find out how water drops behave on different surfaces. By asking for copies of the teacher’s long, medium, short-term planning, this helped me to provide extra support in the classroom by developing my understanding of the weeks and daily planning process and to set learning objectives, preparing, assessing and recording pupils’ participation and progression allow the teacher to see how effective my teaching is and whether the pupils are making progress in their learning. The role of the teacher is to supply a safe and supervised classroom for the pupils to learn in, encourage pupil learning by planning, preparing and delivering lessons in relation to the National Curriculum and meet school target whilst maintain its policies. The teacher assesses records and report on pupil’s progress and achievements and liaise with parents, sometimes attending meetings or responsible for literacy or science. Preparing the classroom for the lesson, checking the correct materials available to carry out the activity helps the teacher. Observation and monitoring of pupils work during the task helps me to make assessments to see if the learning has been successful and give feedback to the pupil and teacher on individuals performance or responses, if they have any problems, by doing this it helps me to make well-informed judgements about a pupils learning and progress and make any changes necessary to the activity. 1.2 Information the teaching assistant would require before supporting learning activities From the daily lesson plan I am able to identify the materials required for the lesson to complete the task. After reading the pupil’s records and initial assessment a decision was made to put the more experienced pupils with the ones who were not as confident to enable them to assist, encourage, help and work together to complete the task successfully. A class discussion was held to see if the pupils could think of the materials which would be required to complete the task I then wrote the answers on the whiteboard. The materials were absorbent and non-absorbent materials like plastic, paper and cardboard etc and things with which to make water drops for example, straws, plastic pipettes, and clean eye droppers, as water was going to be used a non toxic coloured paint was required to put in the water to make it easier to see, because I used the last of the cardboard I wrote this down on the reorder list. I emphasised everyone needed to act sensibly because sharp items were going to be used. I showed the class how to make drops with the different kinds of objects and gave them time to practice making water drops and try to make drops of different sizes. When they had mastered this I asked the pupils to drip onto samples of different materials. I asked them to see what happened when two, or more, drops meet, on a hard and non-absorbent surface. Later I separate the pupils into pairs and asked them: Can they race their drop with a friend? 1.3 The sorts of problems that may occur when supporting learning activities Informing the teacher before removing unwanted chairs made sure there was sufficient space for the pupils and equipment to work safely prior to the learning activity and by placing four pupils on each table gave better access to the water tubs and avoiding pupils pushing each other. The pipettes and resources were placed safely in the middle of each table. Before the lesson it was explained to suck the water up the straw was dangerous and requested the pupils to just dip the straw in the water, I asked if they knew why and explained about choking and emphasised about being sensible, the pupils’ then put on their aprons to protect their clothing. The pupils who found listening difficult, I put the questions onto laminated cards for easy reference explaining that I was going to ask those questions about the information later. I also wrote down the key questions on the whiteboard. Can you make different size drop? What happens to the drops when you drip them onto different surfaces? Can you make two drops join? What Happens? Whilst monitoring I removed a pupil from the activity for putting the pipette in his ear. The child was placed away from the activity, asking the pupil if he understood why he had been separated it was explained if he wanted to rejoin the activity he would need to act sensibly, after 10 minutes the pupil calmed down, and was asked to rejoined the group, giving the pupil encouragement and praise for better behaviour enabled the pupil to complete the task successfully. When the activity had finished I discussed with the pupil his behaviour and found he was upset because his hamster had died, I later discussed this with the teacher. After shutting the windows I relocated a pupil to a quieter part of the classroom as the noise of grass cutting was causing a distraction. The hot weather made the room too warm, two pupils started to flick each other with water I opened the classroom door to reduce the temperature and with a direct look and raised eyebrow showed displeasure at the pupils then separated them. Noticing one of the cheerful pupils was rather withdrawn and after talking they revealed that their Nan had died that morning I reassured the pupil and asked if they would like to read a poem about water, I then informed the teacher. Encouragement by praising their progress was given to the pupils with low confidence and pupils who finished their task early were asked to write a poem about their observations or about the drop race. After the activity was complete we had a class discussion asking pupils, how do you think it went? What would you do differently? I then asked the pupils to write down their observations in their books with correct date. 1.4 Strategies a teaching assistant may use to support pupils learning By using questions ‘What we think will happen’?, and writing down all the key points this confirmed the pupils understood the instructions prior to the activity and helped the class know what was expected of them. Placing the low confident pupils at the front of the class and rephrasing questions enabled them to understand the instructions more clearly. After discussion with another teaching assistant it was decided to enlarge the worksheet to A3 size to make it easier for the pupils who were struggling, encouraging them to write down their ideas then stick them onto the worksheet later and giving praise when the task was completed. Separating pupils into groups allowed the development of peer support activities and cooperative learning, allowing the pupils to benefit by learning and supporting each other. The pupils with confidence worked on their own initiative were able to write their own ideas directly onto the worksheet. Bandura, Skinner, Piaget and Vygotsky discuss that cognitive development occurs at an individual rate and cultures teaches a person what to think as well as how to think. I agree that children are not just passive discovers, they are constantly trying to make sense of the information they see, hear, feel and discover enabling some children to develop quicker than others. At the end of the activity reward stickers were given for using the correctly vocabulary in their poems and a discussion was held by using open-ended questions of (how, what, why?) this provided me with more information to enable me to assess the pupils’ learning and understanding and provide me with the information required to feedback later to the teacher 1.5 Providing feedback on learning activities to the teacher Both during and after supporting the learning activity, I recorded the pupils’ participation and progression and met later with the teacher, to give feedback regarding the issues encountered during the activity, I discussed the pupil who’s relative died and about the pupil behaving inappropriately during the session and being separated from the group. I informed the teacher why the worksheet was enlarged and why the laminated card was useful. I also explained I gave out some stickers for correct spelling and punctuation.

Tylenol In Capsule Form Essay Example for Free

Tylenol In Capsule Form Essay The capsule is the most popular form of taking medicines as these are easy to swallow. Capsules have a symbolic significance as well as these represent strength. Thus patients perceive a dual advantage of convenience and a psychological boost of taking a potent medicine.   The tamper resistant packing was introduced by Johnson and Johnson in November 1982 within a few months of the initial crisis. This followed standards laid down in regulations by the Food and Drug Administration. The packing was considered very sturdy and difficult to be tampered with. These had glued flaps on the outer box which had to be forcibly opened and a tight plastic seal surrounded the cap inside with an inner foil which wrapped the mouth of the bottle. It also had a label which warned customers not to use if safety seal was broken. Thus at that time perhaps Johnson and Johnson was justified in introducing the capsules in tamper proof packing. This made sound business sense as it implied that only the packing had to be manufactured, while the capsule could be continued in its original form.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   However this decision of the company proved to be short sighted as in 1986, a second incident of tampering of the same drug occurred. While this was immediately controlled, it was evident that capsule was not the safest form for a mass consumed drug as Tylenol as the seals could be apparently opened and refixed after the capsule was tampered with. Finally the company discontinued the sale of the drug in capsule form and the caplet form was introduced.[1] Thus it is felt that in the long run the decision of Johnson and Johnson to market the capsules in tamper proof packing as opposed to developing the caplets was not ethically in order. The company could well have waited to develop the caplet and avoided the ignominy of another blow to its brand which could survive only due to its goodwill with the masses. [1]

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Enzyme Kinetics of Acetylcholinesterase

Enzyme Kinetics of Acetylcholinesterase David Romero Perez Enzyme kinetics of Acetylcholinesterase and its behaviour in the presence of Edrophonium. Abstract The aim of the present study was to test the effects of edrophonium on the enzyme kinetics of acetylcholinesterase. The use of s-acetylthiocholine as a substrate with its breakdown by acetylcholinesterase and the later reaction into a coloured product, allowed the utilization of colorimetric technique in conjunction with spectrophotometry. A Michaelis-Menton and a Lineweaver-Burk plot showed edrophonium to be an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor that does not fit with the classical descriptions of competitive, non-competitive or uncompetitive inhibitors. The results though were coherent with previous research that classed edrophonium as a mixed inhibitor at concentrations similar to the ones used in the present study, 10 uM. On the contrary, the same study suggested that edrophonium behaves as a competitive inhibitor at concentrations of 0.1 uM but this concentration was not tested on the present study and, therefore, further research is required. Introduction Chemical reactions are the fundamental basis of all matter and, therefore, of life. The study of the chemistry relevant to life is called biochemistry and inside this discipline the study of enzymes has been of particular importance. Enzymes simply make rare chemical events common enough to allow the accumulation of, otherwise, improvable molecules or products required for life (Laidler, 1997). Thanks to millions of years of evolution the level of sophistication in biological systems has reached high levels, allowing fine-tuned regulation of enzymes and their products (Berg, Tymoczko and Stryer, 2012). Nonetheless, the study of the enzyme kinetics and how their regulation works had to overcome, with great efforts, the technological difficulties of such small and fast reactions (Laidler, 1997). The first studies done on enzyme kinetics were on fermentation. From ancient cultures to the present humans have use fermentation to produce alcohol and bread. But it was not until the 19th century that fermentation started to be studied. Fischer’s lock and key hypothesis was one of the first successful although not completely accurate attempts to explain the process (Laidler, 1997). On 1902 Brown studied invertase, using yeast and sucrose, discovering the Enzyme-Substrate complex (ES) (Kenneth, 2013). This provided the fundamental blocks for the development of the new-born biochemistry discipline. Another hallmark on biochemistry was the work of Leonor Michaelis and Maud Leonora Menten, 1913, Michaelis-Menten equation (E + S →↠ ES →↠ ES ´ → E + products). Their experiment failed but gave us important lessons on the importance of pH on enzyme reactions (Laidler, 1997). The pH is important because most, if not all, enzymes are active only at specific ranges of pH, and usually reach their optimum activity around 7.0 pH. This value is common in biological systems although specialized enzymes may require higher or lower values (Berg, Tymoczko and Stryer, 2012). Also, the previously mentioned researchers produced an easy way of visualizing the data in the form of a graph called the Michaelis-Menten plot. This graph allows quick recognition of important parameters like the maximum activity reached by the enzyme (Vmax) and the amount of substrate required to produce half Vmax (Km) (Berg, Tymoczko and Stryer, 2012; Laidler, 1997). The Michaelis-Menten plot will be used in this study to show both parameters in relation to the enzyme achetylcholinesterase. Acetylcholinesterase is an enzyme of vital importance for the nervous system. As an enzyme is a globular protein mostly released to the inter-synaptic space between neurons’ axons and dendrites. Its purpose there is to break down the neurotransmitter acetylcholine to prevent it from continuously activating acetylcholine receptors on the post-synaptic neuron (Berg, Tymoczko and Stryer, 2012). As with every enzyme other substances can interact with it or with the conformation of the E+S complex. These components are called inhibitors and are usually described as competitive, non-competitive or uncompetitive, although mixed inhibitors have been also described (Berg, Tymoczko and Stryer, 2012; Howard, 2007). For any chemical to be classed as an inhibitor it must have an negative effect on the Vmax and/or Km. The effect on those would decide what type of inhibitor the chemical is. If competitive the inhibitor binds to the catalytic site and Vmax remains the same while Km is increased. On the other side, if non-competitive, it would bind on a different location than the catalytic site, preventing the binding of the substrate. In this case Vmax would be the same but Km would be decreased. In turn, an uncompetitive inhibitor binds to the Enzyme-Substrate complex (ES) and both Vmax and Km, are decreased (Berg, Tymoczko and Stryer, 2012; Howard, 2007). In the present study the kinetics of achetylcholinesterase are tested in the presence or absence of edrophonium in order to investigate if it is indeed an inhibitor and to which class it belongs. These values were found using a combination of spectrophotometry and colourometry techniques. Spectrophotometry is a technique in which light crosses a cuvette containing the solutes. The content of the solution absorbs a certain amount of light depending on the concentration of the coloured chemical, therefore, less light will reach the detector at the other side of the cuvette. This is called the transmittance, and allows us to calculate the absorbance by subtracting the transmittance to 1 (1-T=A). The absorbance increases or decreases with the capacity of the solution to absorb light, giving an accurate reading of changes in solution composition or concentrations as is the case with enzymes in the presence of their specific substrate (Blauch, 2014; Reed, et al., 1998). This is calculated using the Beer-Lambert law which states that absorbance can be obtained by the equation A=Ecl (E=molar absorbitivity, c=concentration, l=longitude of the path of light which is commonly 1cm) (Anon., n.d.) Being the molar absorptivity (E) of 5-thio-2-nitrobenzoic acid 1.3610^4. The Beer-Lam bert equation can be rearranged (Anon., n.d.) to study the concentrations of unknown samples given that A and E are known and it provides the basis to accurate study of enzyme kinetics together with colourometric technique. Colourometry is based in the natural correlation between the amount of coloured chemical in a solution and the intensity of that colour. Therefore, by comparing solutions of known concentration of the same chemical it is possible to determine the concentration of the unknown concentration sample (Lancashire, 2011). To do so, a spectrophotometer is used by setting it up at the specific wavelength that corresponds to the colour of the reaction (Reed, et al., 1998). In some cases the product of the enzymatic reaction may not produce any colour and a modified substrate can be used. As it was explained before, acetylcholinesterase hydrolyses (breaks down) acetylcholine into an acetyl group and choline. The problem when trying to use the colourometric technique to measure the substrate production is that choline is colourless, hence the reason s-acetylthiocholine is used instead. The break down product thiocholine reacts with 5,5’dithiobis acid (DTNB) to produce 5-thio-2-nitrobenzoic acid (E=1.3610^4). This final product is yellow coloured and can be measured using the spectrophotometer at 412nm wavelength, allowing the precise study of acetylcholinesterase kinetics. Materials The agents used in this experiment were phosphate buffer (0.1 M), acetylthiocholine (15mM), DTNB reagent (6mM), acetylcholinesterase enzyme (0.3 u/ml) and water. All of them provided by UCLan School of Biomedical Sciences. In order to create the mixtures Gilson pipettes ( p20, p200 and p1000) with their respective tips were used. In addition, 3ml tubes were used for the initial adding of agents and 1ml standard plastic cuvettes for the spectrometer, which was also used to measure the absorbance. Methods The present study was divided in three parts. The aim of the first part was to find out the effect of enzyme concentration on rate reaction. The second part aimed to find the effect of different substrate concentration on rate reaction. Finally the third part studied the effect of edrophonium on enzyme rate reaction at different substrate concentrations. As a general note, every single dilution was kept at 3.0ml volume, using phosphate buffer as solvent. Also, every single dilution had 0.1ml AChE but in controls it was replaced with 0.1ml phosphate buffer to keep the 3.0ml volume. All mixtures were produce at room temperature. Plastic cuvettes were used to measure up absorbance in a spectrometer at 412 nm wavelength for two minutes, being the result the average per minute of those two minutes. For the first part of the study on effect of enzyme concentration on rate reaction the mixtures were produced as showed in table 1. AGENT VOLUME 1ST MIXTURE VOLUME 2ND MIXTURE VOLUME 3RD MIXTURE STOCK CONC. REACTION CONC. PHOSPHATE BUFFER 1.25 ml 1.2 ml 1.1 ml 0.1 M 50 mM ACETYLTHIOCHOLINE 0.1 ml 0.1 ml 0.1 ml 15mM 0.5 mM DTNB REAGENT 0.1 ml 0.1 ml 0.1 ml 6 mM 0.2 mM AChE 0.05 ml 0.1 ml 0.2 ml 0.3 u/ml 1st-0.005 u/ml 2nd-0.01 u/ml 3rd-0.02 u/ml WATER 1.5 ml 1.5 ml 1.5 ml n/a n/a Table 1 Reaction Mixtures. Before measuring every mixture the spectrometer was blanked with the correspondent control without the enzyme. The second part of the study looked at the effect on rate reaction of different substrate concentrations. The mixtures were produced with the volumes detailed in table 2. ACETYLTHIOCHOLINE (ml) PHOSPHATE BUFFER (ml) DTNB REAGENT (ml) AChE (ml) WATER Reaction conc of Acetylthiocholine (uM) 0.20 1.1 0.1 0.1 1.5 1000 0.10 1.2 0.1 0.1 1.5 500 0.05 1.25 0.1 0.1 1.5 250 0.02 1.28 0.1 0.1 1.5 100 0.01 1.29 0.1 0.1 1.5 50 0.005 1.295 0.1 0.1 1.5 25 Table 2 Composition of mixtures of acetylcholinesterase enzyme reaction without edrophonium. The effect of edrophonium on rate reaction was studied on the third part of the experiment. The mixtures were produced following table 3. Acetylthiocholine (ml) Phosphate Buffer (ml) DTNB Reagent (ml) Edrophonium (ul) AChE (ml) Water (ml) Reaction conc of acetythiocholine (uM) 0.20 1.1 0.1 100 0.1 1.5 1000 0.10 1.20 0.1 100 0.1 1.5 500 0.05 1.25 0.1 100 0.1 1.5 250 0.02 1.28 0.1 100 0.1 1.5 100 0.01 1.29 0.1 100 0.1 1.5 50 0.005 1.295 0.1 100 0.1 1.5 25 Table 3 Composition of mixtures of acetylcholinesterase enzyme reaction with edrophonium. Once the absorbance was recorded, the Beer-Lambert law equation was transformed to calculate the Velocity of 5-thio-2-nitrobenzoic acid (E=1.3610^4) production in Moles/litre/min achieved by every mixture: -A=ECL → C=A/E (L equals 1 per 1 cm of light path length inside the spectrophotometer cuvettes). The full calculations can be consulted in appendix 1. Results For the first part of the study the effect of enzyme concentration on rate reaction was measured and the velocity on nM/L/min was calculated and noted in table 4. Acetylcholinesterase concentration in u/ml Velocity of reaction in ÃŽ ¼M/L/min 0.005 2.05 0.01 3.97 0.02 7.8 Table 4 Calculated Velocity of reaction by acetylcholinesterase concentration. The velocity was plotted against enzyme concentration in graph 1, which shows a linear relationship between both parameters. Graph 1 Enzyme reaction of acetylcholine in response to enzyme concentration. Next the velocities of enzyme reaction at acetylthiocholine concentrations ranging from 25-1000 ÃŽ ¼M in the presence or absence of edrophonium were calculated and noted in table 5. Reaction concentration of Acetylthiocholine (ÃŽ ¼M) Velocity of reaction without edrophonium (ÃŽ ¼M/L/min) Velocity of reaction with edrophonium (ÃŽ ¼M/L/min) 25 2.5 0.15 50 2.87 0.95 100 3.6 1.25 250 3.75 2.57 500 4.34 2.65 1000 6.62 3 Table 5 calculated Velocities of acetylcholinesterase enzymatic reaction with and without edrophonium. Using the data from table 5 a Michaelis-Menton graph was plotted in graph 2 in order to reveal changes in Vmax and Km in the presence or absence of edrophonium. Graph 2 Michaelis-Menton plot of acetylcholine in the presence or absence of edrophonium. Clear differences on Vmax and Km were found between mixtures with or without edrophonium. In its presence Vmax dropped from 4.34 uM/L/ml to 3.01 uM/L/ml. On the contrary, the amount of substrate (s-acetylthiocholine) required to achieve 50% of Vmax was increased from 30 uM/ml to 100 uM/ml. There was a problem with the higher concentration mixture of the absence condition as it produced a higher than expected absorbance. This was examined in the discussion section. A Lineweaver-Burk plot (graph 3) showed the same results with decreased Vmax and increased Km. Graph 3 Lineweaver-Burk plot acetylcholinesterase in the presence and absence of edrophonium. In agreement with what was observed in graph 2, the graph showed that edrophonium is an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor. The kind of inhibitor it belongs to was examined in the discussion section. Discussion When comparing the Michaelis-Menton and the Lineweaver-Burk plots with the standard results of competitive, non-competitive and uncompetitive inhibitors (Berg, Tymoczko and Stryer, 2012), it became clear edrophonium did not belong to any of those. This can be explained by understanding the mode of action of a given inhibitor with the enzyme-substrate complex. Different inhibitors interact with different parts of a given enzyme or at different moments. A competitive inhibitor â€Å"competes† with the substrate for the catalytic site of the enzyme. As a consequence, the Vmax is reduced but if the concentration of the substrate is increased, more substrate would reach the catalytic site, nullifying the effect of the inhibitor although increasing the Km. An uncompetitive inhibitor does not bind to the catalytic site but somewhere else on the enzyme. It binds only once the E+S complex has been formed, decreasing the reaction rate regardless the substrate concentration. As a result the enzyme can not reach its normal Vmax and the Km is decreased. On the other hand, a noncompetitive inhibitor does not need the E+S complex to bind to the enzyme and does not decrease E+S formation. However, the E+S+I complex would not create a product, inactivating the enzyme. Basically, the noncompetitive inhibitor has taken a percentage of the active enzy me from the population, decreasing the Vmax but maintaining the same Km for the rest of the active enzyme population (Berg, Tymoczko and Stryer, 2012). The results of the present study suggest that edrophonium decreases the Vmax whilst increasing the Km and this effect can not be overcome by increasing substrate concentration. As a result, it can be classed as a mixed inhibitor, which inhibits the binding of the enzyme to the substrate and, at the same time, inactivates a proportion of the enzyme population (Berg, Tymoczko and Stryer, 2012). This has been supported by previous research (Robaire Kato, 1975) that found edrophonium to be a competitive inhibitor at concentrations of 0.1 uM but a mixed inhibitor at concentrations like the used in the present study, 10 uM. There were some limitations with the materials used. Plastic cuvettes were used instead of glass ones which are more suitable for organic solvents (Reed, et al., 1998). Also, the relative pipetting inexperience of the researches might have affected the accuracy of the resulting mixtures, hence the odd results for the mixture of higher substrate concentration on the absence condition. In future research it is recommended to improve pipetting accuracy maybe by using an automated pipetting system. Also, the timing in enzymatic reactions is critical, as these reactions occur often in seconds or even milliseconds (Laidler, 1997). Therefore, a multiplate spectrophotometer reader could be used to measure the absorbance of the mixtures. This would avoid any potential differences and delays from the moment the mixture is done to its reading. Also, lower concentrations of edrophonium (0.1 uM) should be tested to corroborate Robaire and kato’s (1975) research. In conclusion, in agreement with previous research (Bonaire Kato, 1975), the data points at edrophonium as an acetylcholinesterase mixed inhibitor at least at high concentrations (10 uM). Nonetheless, it needs to be confirmed in future research that edrophonium is also a competitive inhibitor at low concentration. At the same time, the technique could be optimized by the use of automated means in order to improve accuracy given the odd results produced by poor pipetting accuracy. References Anon (n.d.) Beers Law. Available: Last accessed 15th Jan 2014. Berg, J. M., Tymoczko, J. L. and Stryer, L. (2012) Biochemistry, 7th ed. New York: Freeman. Blauch D. N. (2014) Spectrophotomery. Available: Last accessed 15th Jan 2014. Howard, A. J. (2007) Enzyme inhibition and regulation, CSRRi,iit, [online]. Available at: Last accessed 15th Jan 2014. Kenneth, A. J. (2013) A century of enzyme kinetic analysis, 1913 to 2013. FEBSLetters. 587, 2753-2766. Laidler, K. J. (1997) A brief history of enzyme kinetics. In: A. Cornish-Bowden ed. New Beer in an Old Bottle: Eduard Buchner and the Growth of Biochemical Knowledge. Valencia: Universitat de Valencia, pp. 127-133. Lancashire, R. J. (2011) EXPERIMENT 36 COLOURIMETRIC DETERMINATION OF PHOSPHATE. Available: Last accessed 15th Jan 2014. Reed, R. Holmes, D. Weyers, J. Jones, A. (1998) Practical Skills in Biomolecular Sciences. 4th ed. Essex: Pearson. 310-313. Robaire, B., Kato, G. (1975) Effects of Edrophonium, Eserine, Decamethonium, d-Tubocurarine, and Gallamine on the Kinetics of Membrane-Bound and Solubilized Eel Acetylcholinesterase. MOLECULAR PHARMACOLOGY. 11 (6), 722-734. Appendix 1 Velocity calculations Normal absorbances (nM) Divided by E Velociy (ÃŽ ¼M/L/min) 1/Velocity 0.034 2.5 0.4 0.039 2.87 0.35 0.049 1.3610^4 3.6 0.277 0.051 3.75 0.266 0.059 4.34 0.23 0.090 6.62 0.15 absorbances in the presence of edrophonium (nM) Divided by E Velociy (ÃŽ ¼M/L/min) 1/Velocity 0.002 0.15 6.6 0.013 0.95 1.05 0.017 1.3610^4 1.25 0.8 0.035 2.57 0.39 0.036 2.65 0.37 0.041 3 0.33

Saturday, July 20, 2019

I am going to explain how I would direct the final part of Act3 in order :: Drama

I am going to explain how I would direct the final part of Act3 in order to highlight the dramatic tension and to show the audience Priestly's message concerning social responsibility! An inspector calls "An Inspector Calls" -Out Line- I am going to explain how I would direct the final part of Act3 in order to highlight the dramatic tension and to show the audience Priestly's message concerning social responsibility! -Introduction- In 1945 JB Priestly made a play called "An inspector calls". Priestly belived that tho's who were wealthier should pay more taxes. So the government could pay for a state wellfair like NHS and education. He believed this because he was a socialist and belived in fairness. He knew lower class people were not payed much but still had to give virtually all their money away. The state wellfair system would make it fairer! Lower classed people did much more for the country than the upperclasses. The play was written in 1945 but set in 1912. This was done so the audience would realise how arrogant the upper class was. This is shown by Mr Birling where he says; "The germans don't want a war. Nobody wants war, except some half civilised folks in the Bolkans." This shows how arrogant Mr Birling is as the audience knew there were two world wars between 1912 and 1945. And as I said it was the lower classed people who did more for the country, it was the lower classed people who fought in thos two world wars. -An Inspector calls- At the beginning before the inspector leaves they are all feeling increadibly upset and angry at each other. Priestly shows this in a stage direction. Mrs Birling is "Distressed" when she finds out about Erics involvement with Eva Smith. She is depressed because she said how she wouldn't let the inspector catch her as she has nothing to hide but when the Inspector tells her this information she is deeply upset. I would have Mrs Birling sit down at this point if she isn't already sat down and hold her head in her hands, crying and have Sheila showing no sympathy for her mother as she tried telling her that the inspector would get the better of her. -Dramatic Tension in ACT 3- The most dramatic part of the play "An inspector calls" is where the adults are feeling joyuss and happy with them selves, after a phone call to the police asking if the Inspector is real and that no girl is dead. This is shown by Mr Birlings reaction towards Sheila and Eric. As they are still feeling upset as they know each others personal

Friday, July 19, 2019

Dance Quotes :: Drama

Dance Quotes "Dance isn't a form it's a way of life." ~anonymous "Dancers are the athletes of God." ~Albert Einstein "To tap or not to tap...silly question!!" ~anonymous "We dance for laughter, we dance for tears, we dance for madness, we dance for fears, we dance for hopes, we dance for screams, we are the dancers, we create the dreams." "Whatever you want to do, do it. There are only so many tomorrows" "Imagination is more important than knowledge" ~Albert Einstein "To dance is to be out of yourself. Larger, more beautiful, more powerful. This is power, it is glory on earth and it is yours for the taking." ~Agnes De Mille "If dancing were any easier it would be called football." ~anonymous "Quitters never win and winners never quit." ~anonymous "Try to be fearless, because fear can inhibit you and keep you from a life." ~Miranda Weese (NYCB) "If ballet was easy then everyone would be doing it." ~anonymous "Dancing with the feet is one thing, but dancing with the heart is another." ~anonymous "The Dancer believes that his art has something to say which cannot be expressed in words or in any other way than by dancing... there are times when the simple dignity of movement can fulfill the function of a volume of words. There are movements which impinge upon the nerves with a strength that is incomparable, for movement has power to stir the senses and emotions, unique in itself. This is the dancer's justification for being, and his reason for searching further for deeper aspects of his art." ~Doris Humphrey, 1937 "Behind each victory is a long train of suffering!" ~anonymous "I don't have an attitude, I'm just REALLY good!" ~Dance Caravan "The people who do not dance are the dead." ~Jerry Rose of Dance Caravan "Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did, but she did it backwards and in high heels." ~anonymous "If you say you can you can, but if you say you can't your right!" ~anonymous "You know you're dancing when tears of pain and happiness blend in with your sweat" ~anonymous "We dance for laughter, we dance for tears, we dance for madness, we dance for fears, we dance for hopes, we dance for screams, we are the dancers, we create the dreams." "Artists lead unglamorous daily lives of discipline and routine, but their work is full of passion. Each has a vision and feels responsibility to that vision." ~Merryl Brockway "Dancers are an admirable bunch of people. The way they work. The stress is extraordinary. It's a difficult career. I think it's hellish; the fact that they are over the hill as they're emotionally

A Review: The Day Of The Jackal :: Free Essay Writer

A Review: The Day of the Jackal The Day of the Jackal, written by Fredrick Forsyth, is a fictional novel that displays the author's brilliance by setting a mood and connecting you with the characters. The Day of the Jackal takes place in post World War II in France. The Jackal is a professional assassin, whose name is not revealed, who is hired by a French terrorist group to kill Charles de Gualle, the President of France. This terrorist group has had several failed attacks on the President, and the Jackal is their last hope. The mood the author sets is exceptionally suspenseful. When Rodin, the leader of the terrorist group hears of the failed attacks, the reader can feel his frustration and hatred towards the French government. When Jean-Marie Bastien is vigorously preparing for the first assault on de Gualle, the reader can sense the tension in the air and the feeling of accomplishment when Bastien says, "That's it! One hundred and fifty bullets will have passed through the presidential car by the time it comes abreast of the van. By God we've got it." All this points to Fredrick Forsyth's amazing mood setting talent in this novel. The reader feels at one with the many characters as they each take part in the many small ventures that give rise to the climax. In a scene where the Jackal is purchasing a fake identification card, the reader can tell that the man making the card is an expert. Not because it was mentioned, but because the man has such a large amount of information about I.D. cards to offer. This same writing talent that displays the characters with subtle suggestion instead of giving specific details is also shown when the Jackal goes to purchase his sniper rifle. It is not mentioned earlier, but the way the armorer talks about the mechanics involved with making a gun in which the Jackal described shows that he is one of the best in the business. Forsyth takes characterization to new level with the Jackal. The reader gets to know the Jackal with a detached understanding of him. Forsyth keeps him a mysterious being with no past and, as far as the rest of the characters in the book are concerned, no present. The reader gets to know the Jackal's meticulous personality and his great care for

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Living Life

[pic] ENC 1101 – 1591 English Composition Semester: Spring 2013 Instructor: Ms. Nancy Fletcher Campus: Sanford/Lake Mary Building: UP Room: 3205 English Office phone: 407-708-2060 Email: [email  protected] edu Days: Monday evening Hours: 6:30 – 9:15pm Credit hours: 3 Prerequisite: College Prep reading and writing requirements must be fulfilled Textbooks: Lunsford, Everything's An Argument with Readings, 5th ed. Kirszner & Mandell, The Brief Wadsworth Handbook, 7th ed.Tensen, Research Strategies for a Digital Age, 4th ed. Course Description: This is a course in the process of expository writing. Students will read essays and compose papers that are unified, organized, logically developed and supported, clearly stated, and well- focused. Research techniques are introduced and incorporated into at least one composition. This course partially satisfies the writing requirement—6,000 words (S. B. E. 6A-10. 30). Students must pass the core assignments with a ‘C' or better. Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to †¢ demonstrate competence in written standard English usage, punctuation, sentence structure, paragraphing, and other fundamentals of writing †¢ develop effective essays determined by purpose and audience †¢ demonstrate awareness of writing as a dynamic process ith rough drafts, substantive revisions, proofreading, and editing †¢ recognize, incorporate, and combine patterns of exposition/rhetorical modes †¢ use critical and original thinking in course assignments †¢ employ field and library research in the creation of at least one essay, and document using parenthetic MLA format †¢ employ the use of computers for word processing and/or researching all essays Core Assignments: In order to pass ENC1101, students must pass all core assignments with a grade equivalent to a ‘C' or better. Two in-class timed writings patterned after the CLAST essay †¢ An expository essay. †¢ An argumentative essay. †¢ A library research project on a subject assigned by the instructor (minimum 5 pages) that demonstrates: researching, note-taking & drafting; producing a works cited page (5-entry minimum); documenting research using MLA style; formatting using MLA style; editing and proofreading ENC1101 Documentation Exam – score is not included in final grade.Students are required to pass the ENC 1101 Documentation Exam with a score of 70% or higher, or they will be required to retake the exam in the Make-Up Testing Center before receiving a final grade for the course. College Plagiarism Statement: As a member of the Seminole State College community, a student is expected to be honest in all of his or her academic coursework and activities. Academic dishonesty such as cheating of any kind on examinations, course assignments, or projects; plagiarism, representation; and the unauthorized possession of examinations or other course-relat ed materials is prohibited.Plagiarism is unacceptable to the College community. Academic work submitted by students is assumed to be the result of their own thought, research, or self-expression. When students borrow ides, wording, or organization from another source, they are expected to acknowledge that fact in an appropriate manner. Plagiarism is the deliberate use and appropriation of another's work without identifying the source and trying to pass off such work as the student's own. Any student who fails to give full credit for ideas or materials taken from another has plagiarized.Any student who shares his or her work for the purpose of cheating on class assignments or tests or who helps another to cheat or plagiarize is subject to the same penalties as the student who commits the act. When cheating or plagiarism has occurred, the instructor may take academic actions ranging from denial of credit for or assigning a grade of ‘F' for the course. The student may also be sub ject to further sanctions such as disciplinary probation, suspension, or dismissal from the college.Attendance: check College Catalog online. To summarize: any student who misses more than 10% of the classes can be withdrawn from the course without notice. Requests for an excused absence made after the fact must document an emergency that the student could not anticipate or prevent. Late arrivals (more than 5 minutes) are recorded as an absence and will not be overlooked, since they disrupt the learning process of the other students. Students who leave before the end of the class will be marked absent for that class.A student who has to be absent because of jury duty or court-mandated appearance needs to contact the instructor in advance of the absence in order that a plan for making up work missed can be made. When observance of religious holidays of students' religious faith interferes with attendance in class, students are required to notify the instructor in advance of such abse nces. Students are held responsible for material covered during their absences, with reasonable time provided to complete make-up assignments. Seminole State College believes that regular attendance in the classroom is necessary for student success in college.Throughout the semester, quizzes are given to evaluate the student's understanding of class material and enhance the student's grade. Because these quizzes are given in an attempt to encourage attendance, no make-up tests are given regardless of the reason for the student's absence. Withdrawals: The last day to withdraw from class is March 19, 2013. After that date, the student will be given a grade for the course. Grades: All assignments will be evaluated on the basis of a numerical scale 100 – 90A 89 – 80B 79 – 70C 69 – 60D 59 – 0FYour final grade will be determined as follows: In class CORE essay #110% In class CORE essay #210% Memoir CORE essay10% Argumentative CORE essay15% Research CORE essay25% Final Exam5% Group Projects5% Class Participation5% Quizzes10% Blogs5% Class Policies: This course will be presented on Sakai, an online course management system. All written assignments are subject to review by turnitin. com, a plagiarism evaluator. Students will be allowed one opportunity per assignment to revise and resubmit failing CORE assignments except in cases of intentional plagiarism.All resubmissions are due 1 week (7 days) from the due date of the original essay. All out of class assignments submitted by the student must be typed. Any student found to be texting or answering cell phone messages during class will be asked to leave the class. Repeated instances of audible signals from such devices that occur during class are disruptive of the learning process and will be grounds for expulsion of the student from the class for the day that the infraction occurs. No laptop computers in the classroom unless the instructor gives special permission.Seminole State Colle ge believes that regular attendance in the classroom is necessary for student success in college. Throughout the semester, quizzes are given to evaluate the student's understanding of class material and enhance the student's grade. Because these quizzes are given in an attempt to encourage attendance, no make-up tests are given regardless of the reason for the student's absence. Should emergency conditions (storms, flooding, etc. ) occur, please contact the College – not the instructor – to see if classes have been cancelled. CalendarThis is a tentative schedule that may be changed by the instructor 1/7 Class Discussion Welcome to the class! Reading of the syllabus Sakai introduction MLA formatting for essays Diagnostic essay Memoir CORE essay assigned – Sakai – Module 1 Homework to be completed for the next class Complete the Sakai tutorial Send me an email from your school email account – go to http://www. seminolestate. edu/livemail/ The library can help you if you can't unlock your account Read Wadsworth page 3 – 7 Purpose & Audience and 57 – 65 Paragraphs and 72 – 75 Introductions and ConclusionsRead Tensen 5 – 17 Topics and 169 – 175 MLA formatting for essays Choose a topic for the Memoir CORE essay Read â€Å"Writing dialogue† in Sakai Module 1 ——————————————————————————————————– 1/14 Class Discussion Memoir CORE essay topics approved Purpose & Audience Unity & Coherence Examples of Student Memoirs – Sakai – Module 1 Introductions and Conclusions Writing and using dialogue effectively Blogging Homework to be completed for the next class Read Wadsworth 23 – 24 Topics and 48 – 52 Titles & EditingRead Writing Dia logue & Punctuating Dialogue Sakai – Module 1 Read In class CORE Essay Hints – Sakai – Module 4 In class CORE essay #1 will be given in the next class. Laptops are encouraged but not required for the next class Don't forget to blog! ———————————————————————————————————— 1/21 Martin Luther King day – School closed ************************************************************************ 1/28 Class Discussion Blog #1 due in Sakai Group fiction project assigned Group meetings Picking a TitleEditing your essay Academic Success Center & Smarthinking In class Essay Hints In Class CORE Essay #1 today Homework to be completed for the next class Submit your Memoir in Assignments in Sakai by midnight 2/4 Read Developing a Thesis – Module 2 – Sakai Read Topic Sentences – Module 2 – Sakai Read Wadsworth 211 – 219 Plagiarism Practice the Overall Exam Review in ENC 1101 Documentation Tool – under Tests & Quizzes – Sakai Don't forget to blog! ———————————————————————————————————— 2/4 Class DiscussionReview of submission process – Sakai – Assignments Memoir CORE essay due in Sakai – Assignments Argumentative CORE essay assigned Plagiarism Researching databases – demonstration Thesis statements Topic sentences Homework to be completed for the next class Read Wadsworth 32 Outline and 90 Opposing Argument Read Acknowledging the Opposing Argument – Sakai Module 2 Write a thesis statement for your essay – counts as a quiz grade – must be submitted in Sakai by midnight on 2/10 – bring a copy to class Everything's an Argument 32 – 35, also 53 – 67 Ethos 69 – 93 Logos 39 – 50 PathosPractice the Overall Exam Review in ENC 1101 Documentation Tool – under Tests & Quizzes – Sakai Don't forget to blog! ———————————————————————————————————— 2/11 Class Discussion Blog # 2 due in Sakai Thesis Workshop Ethos, pathos, logos Recognizing the opposition Group 1 Fiction Project/Presentation due in Sakai – Wiki by class time Homework to be completed for the next class Laptops are encouraged but not required for the next class Review Hints for in class essays R ead Introductions and Conclusions Sakai – Module 2Read Everything's an Argument 32 – 35 Write a paragraph recognizing the opposition – quiz grade – must be submitted in Sakai by midnight on 2/17 – bring a copy to class Write a pathos paragraph for your essay – quiz grade – must be submitted in Sakai by midnight on 2/17 – bring a copy to class Practice the Overall Exam Review in ENC 1101 Documentation Tool – under Tests & Quizzes – Sakai Don't forget to blog! ———————————————————————————————————— 2/18 Class Discussion In Class CORE essay #2 today Recognizing the Opposition WorkshopPathos Workshop Introductions and conclusions Outlining the essay Homework to be complete d for the next class Don't forget to blog! Write an introduction for your essay – quiz grade – must be submitted in Sakai by midnight on 2/24 – bring a copy to class Write a conclusion for your essay – quiz grade – must be submitted in Sakai by midnight on 2/24 – bring a copy to class Practice the Overall Exam Review in ENC 1101 Documentation Tool – under Tests & Quizzes – Sakai ———————————————————————————————————— 2/25 Class DiscussionBlog #3 due Introduction Workshop Conclusion Workshop Group 2 Fiction Project/Presentation due in Sakai – Wiki by classtime Researching databases – Reprise Turnitin. com Homework to be completed for the next class Read Everything's an Argument 172 – 205 Practice the Overall Exam Review in ENC 1101 Documentation Tool – under Tests & Quizzes – Sakai Don't forget to blog! ———————————————————————————————————— 3/3 – 3/9 Spring Break – college closed ************************************************************************ 3/11Class Discussion Blog #4 due Classic, Rogerian and Toulmin Arguments Group 3 Fiction Project/Presentation due in Sakai – Wiki by class time Homework to be completed for the next class MLA Documentation Exam next class – open book – bring a pencil Practice the Overall Exam Review in ENC 1101 Documentation Tool – under Tests & Quizzes – Sakai Laptops are recommended but not required for the next class ———————————————————————————————————— 3/18 Class Discussion Library day – grade conferences available Make up in class CORE essays todayMLA Documentation Exam – open book – bring a pencil Homework to be completed for the next class Create a works cited for your argumentative essay and bring to class Prepare presentation of your group's argument Don't forget to blog! ———————————————————————————————————— 3/19 Last day to withdraw from class —â⠂¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ 3/25 Class Discussion Works Cited Workshop Blog #5 due Group 4 Fiction Project/Presentation due in Sakai – Wiki by class timeHomework to be completed for the next class Argumentative CORE essay due 4/1 in Sakai – Assignments Don't forget to blog! ———————————————————————————————————— 4/1 Class Discussion Argumentative CORE Essay due in Sakai – Assignments Research CORE Essay Assigned Homework to be completed for the next class Write a thesis s tatement for your essay – counts as quiz grade – must be submitted in Sakai by midnight on 4/7 – bring a copy to class Don't forget to blog! —————————————————————————— —————————– 4/8 Class Discussion Thesis Workshop for the Research CORE Essay Outlining your Essay Blog #6 due Group 5 Fiction Project/Presentation due in Sakai – Wiki by classtime Homework to be completed for the next class Write an outline for your essay – counts as quiz grade – must be submitted in Sakai by midnight on 4/14 Read Help With Annotated Bibliography – Sakai – Module 3 Read Tensen 81 – 88 Read Summary – Module 3 – Sakai Don't forget to blog! —————â €”—————————————————————————————— 4/15 Class DiscussionOutline Workshop Annotated Bibliography Summarizing – in class quiz Evaluating resources Primary and secondary resources – interviews Homework to be completed for the next class Write your Annotated Bibliography and submit in Sakai by midnight on 4/22 – quiz grade Read Wadsworth 154 – 163 Read Tensen 103 – 111 Don't forget to blog! ———————————————————————————————————— 4/22 Class Discussion Group Research Project Annotated Bibliography Wor kshop Research CORE Essay due in Sakai – Assignments Blog #7 Review for the final exam

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The Movie “Cast Away.”

The plastic film Cast Away was one of 2000s scoop movies. IT was about a FedEx worker, whose tabloid he was on board to deliver world-wide packages had crashed over the ocean. All passengers on that plane had died in the crash, leaving him alone on an island to survive. He was forced to live on that island for four years with only a flashlight, a picture of his fiancee and some(prenominal)what random packages that should been delivered and could have non been whatever more unusable.The movie showed how he was so professional at his job that stock-still though he was left entirely alone on that island, it took him quiet some time to open the packages he was not supposed to open. He had to check what the meaning of those packages were and whether there was anything he could make procedure of. Between all the packages he had to enthral by opening, was a volley orchis which a grandmother had wanted it to be delivered to her grandson.I was so touched when I saying how he had cut the ball from the evanesce and stuck in some dead leaves, scantily to make it look like human-like so he would harbour his mental spot balanced. Of course, he had never stopped persuasion about his fiancee while he was on that island. He had drawn a portrait of her with a chock to keep him accompanied in the cave he had resided in. 4 years after he went back home, when he was order by a near by large number on a boat, he had found his fiancee married to his doctor friend.Soon after, his ex-fiancee couldnt process it but have mixed feelings as to whether keep things the way they are with her husband, or to get into an affair with him since they had been in hunch over for so long before his disappearance. The movie was so thought of, and triggered many emotions for the viewers. The concomitant that the main character had to do many long scenes just by himself infallible a high level of talent. The base of the movie as well as the plot were new and conveyed many emot ions, that for me, would empower the movie on my top 10 best movies of all time.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Milgram Obedience Review Essay

Milgram Obedience Review Essay

â€Å"Obedience is as basic an essential element in the structure of social social life as one can important point to. Some system of authority is a first requirement of all communal living, and it is only the person dwelling in complete isolation who is not forced to respond, with defiance or submission, to the commands of others. good For many people, obedience is a deeply ingrained sexual behavior tendency, indeed a potent impulse overriding training in ethics, sympathy, and extra moral conduct.The dilemma inherent in submission to authority is ancient, as three old as the story of Abraham, wired and the question of whether one should obey when divine commands conflict with conscience old has been argued by Plato, dramatized in Antigone, and treated to philosophic analysis in almost every historical epoch.Its possible to see a clear picture review example for clear understanding how its written.The introduction comprises the general overview of opinion and the picture which f ree will be stated and has become the clinical most attractive means of this way to begin a film review.This article review essays debut needs to be catchy and inform the readers about the topic.

Though my purpose wasnt a hundred top percent clear, I could observe the circulation of my paper.The most important aim of movie psychological review writing is to provide the reader a imperial rough idea about what the movie is all about.Let us say you have to purchase essay.The job will be placed by A superb review essay .

Thereafter, you are able to begin own writing the inspection.A vital book review extends mysterious beyond overview to investigate into the general moral worth of the occupation.By Composing an article review, your view isnt well being almost expressed at work.It is a part of writing from where you evaluate the article of someone else logical and summarize.

Monday, July 15, 2019

New paradigms for health care delivery

Changes occurring in wellness mete out deliverance and medication ar the expiration of social, economical, technological, scientific forces that take up evolved in the 21st century. Among the practically or less monumental changes atomic number 18 turn in indisposition patterns, travel applied science, change magnitude consumer expectations and high school cost of wellness safe entertaining. These factors buzz off redefined wellness check examination exam exam examination applys to salvo into the ever- changing wellness voice communication political science. much an(prenominal) wellness disturbance affairals stomach sum to the conclusion and view that they ordain be compelled to explore sore paradigms for wellness c argon pitch shot in the succeeding(a) exchange able electronic checkup checkup exam unload lioniseing, telemedicament, computing device- tooshied symptomatics and health supervise to keep grand with the changin g scenario.This is due to the right of the aesculapian checkup profession forthwith and changing malady patterns. Doctors ar low change magnitude embrace to keep up to employment and to base their decisions much securely on evidences as fence to anecdotical entropy of the past. unhurried ofs be much more communicate than they were 10 long time ago. No mend deal signboardise a forbearing what to do without beingness questioned today. Further, with the advent of concepts the likes of inform take over and win directives, much(prenominal) scientific changes crystallize relevance.ELEMENTS OF THE spic-and-span figureThe wasting disease of electronic corroboration is enough more and more general in toll of convenience. The depicted object academy of Sciences idea states that the US health c be exertion fagged among $10 and $15 one million million on entropy engine room in 1996. practically of this disbursement is attri bargonlyed to crea ting electronic reads system of ruless and converting conventionally entrepotd data to electronic formats. in that location ar many bundle programs tell aparticularly substantial for electronic temper charge.This accepts Doctors checkmate, an travel electronic aesculapian immortalises (EMR) placement with shuffle denomination plan Billing, prescription Writer, placement Module, eternalise oversight and workflow oversight make to take HIPAA standards. work out better half Patient pictures is an pillage good-natured electronic medical immortalises (EMR) system, allowing implements to store and return forbearing charts electronically. thither ar boundless such(prenominal) mark medical record softw bes unattached today. The standards in practice for EMR include ASTM world-wide tenacity of business organization Record , ANSI X12 (EDI) CEN , EN13606, HISA, DICOM , HL7 ,ISO and openEHR . (Ringold,2000).The American aesculapian necktie and 13 early(a)(a) medical groups representing 500,000 physicians take a crap signaled their plan to go electronic with the AMA organize Physicians electronic health Record compaction to propose affordable, standards- ground engineering science to their constituents. chairman pubic hair has similarly promoted a comprehensive ready reckonerized medical records system in a new(a)-fangled reduce to a childrens hospital at Vanderbilt University.scientific innovations wealthy person anchor a box in tangled medical procedures as well. A modern-day meditate successfully has evaluated a cadence figure forbearing appointment system, which involves a hold calculating machine for exemplar array and for compatibility interrogatory organization of declivity. (food turner, 2003).A upstart research phrase (Sandler, 2000) reports of a stiff leg and micro titer shell haemagglutination mode for pre transfusion compatibility tests. This I-TRAC is an automatise do of declension matching with better serological sensitivity and order compatibility scrutiny load-bearing(a) electronic record keeping and linking to a barroom enrol realization system. San Raffale infirmary in Milan, Italy, has belatedly collaborated with Intel and lake herring systems to utilize wireless- alterd infrastructures and radio receiver oftenness appointment (RFID) technologies.The system uses RFID-radio oftenness acknowledgement applied science to cut across the sources of gentleman and systems break in descent transfusion supply chain. This cowcatcher course of study has been employ at the 1,100 bottom of the inning San Raffale hospital where more than 15000 subscriber line transfusions are do every year. The throw up ( information processing system help tomcatography) is stock-still other vicissitude in euphony which combines the roentgen ray engineering with data passageor signal touch on to rejoin images o f tissues of the dead body obscured by other organs. magnetised ringing imagination (MRI) is a special K proficiency use to discern diseased or physiologic military position of liveliness tissues. often is cognise astir(predicate) the computer endure up nonstop electrocardiogram supervise with a turn of events back eagerness for assessing the cardiac part of the patient. straightaway we are in a extraordinary situation where we forget be able to amplify a dose found on computer analysis skipping a someer phases of clinical testing.PERSPECTIVES ON THE figure of speech angle Thus, scientific innovations are part of the evolutionary process of the medical science. The primary official document of a physician, the Stethoscope, the Sphygmomanometer utilize for monitor the patient short letter pressure, the Catheter, Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy, the EEG, ECG, EMG, Echocardiogram, supersonic scan, to nurture a few were post mandate solely such scientific in novations interconnected into the demesne of treat in the nineteenth and 20th century.Thus, Computer based telemedicine, medical record system, and diagnostic procedures are scientific innovations of the twenty-first century. Hence, it is energy but a indispensable and lesson obligation of the health cover empyrean to integrate them into the work of medicine. Changes in fiscal incentives and health supervise voice communication structures are producing new threats to health tutelage caliber (A.Brennan, 1991). The retributive measures are unmanageable and expensive. Hence, in that respect is a deprivation for more accountable health livery system, which will enable coating of modern scientific approaches to tincture health cathexis system. In this context, bore of the medical share depends on forwarding of quality medical portion out by managed fearfulness organizations. nameBrennan, T,, incidence of unbecoming events and nonperformance in hospita lized patients the results of the Harvard health check workout theater, unused England journal of euphony 324 370-76, 1991. L peculiar Hallvard, MD, Tom H. Karlsen, MD, and Arild Faxvaag, MD, PhD . personal effects of scan and Eliminating Paper-based medical Records on infirmary Physicians clinical make normal. diary of the American checkup informatics crosstie 10 588-595.2003. Ringold DJ , JP Santell, and PJ Schneider , ASHP home(a) espouse of drugstore practice in needlelike headache settings dispensing and administration1999. American journal of Health-System pharmaceutics 57 (19) 1759-75. 2000. Sauer, Errors in transfusion medicine testing ground Med. 32(4) 205-207, 2001. Turner, suspend code technology its agency in increase the galosh of blood transfusion, Transfusion, 43(9) 12002003.